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اذهب الى الأسفل

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مُساهمة  اميرة الورد الإثنين نوفمبر 15, 2010 3:24 pm

Custom Caravan: Motorhomes for Modular Modern Living
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 كرفانات  جديده Diy-mobile-home-design1

Manufactured mobile homes are rarely made-to-order and, when they are, the options for sale on these standard caravans are often a limited and rigid predetermined set. What if you could buy a trailer home the same way you do a custom house, with an architect to design and detail it around your camping, moving or living needs?
 كرفانات  جديده Diy-custom-trailer-home
Reflected in the complex geometry of the finished structure, the steps for creating these custom mobile living spaces is designed to be incredibly personalized. Customers are not just buying a product but this process as well, complete with a complex series of detailed questions and an actual team of architects to complete the design using a vast array of modular parts, accessories and awnings available from Merhzeller manufacturers
 كرفانات  جديده Diy-trailer-home-idea
 كرفانات  جديده Diy-mobile-house
 كرفانات  جديده Diy-mobile-futuristic-house
The end result is a unique and futuristic portable house with niche living, lounging, dining, working and/or sleeping space manufactured to be completely custom and entirely dependent on client needs for their particular motorhomes. With an increased focus on design at the intersection of customization and standardization, this modular camper van concept seems timed perfectly from an architectural standpoint.

Tiny Camper-Trailer Converts into Huge Mobile Motorhome
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Good building design, to paraphrase, can hide inside very small structures. At first glance it looks just like a full-sized luxury motor home – but the illusion of a large solid volume of spaces comes from a temporary tent-like structure.
 كرفانات  جديده Camper-trailer-motor-home
This layered enclosure folds out of a remarkably sleek, compact and modern-looking trailer attachment many times smaller than the full-scale living-and-dining area that it can convert into. It is aptly named Opera, perhaps for its visual similarity to the famous music hall in Sydney, by designer Axel Enthoven.
 كرفانات  جديده Camper-trailer-interior-design
Built-in cabinetry, hardwood floors, two beds, a toilet, hot and cold running water and LED lighting  are all constructed as part of the core bottom structure, while the top tent area is crafted from thick canvas.
 كرفانات  جديده Camper-motor-home
In short: this is the best of both worlds – luxurious motor-home-worthy features in the base and an extensive over-the-top cover for weather and privacy protection, all in an ultra-mobile attached trailer that can easily travel and consumes far less fuel than a full-scale camper.

Space Trailer: NASA Architect Now Makes Mini Mobile Homes
 كرفانات  جديده Sponslink3

 كرفانات  جديده Space-mobile-trailer

So you live in a small condo where every square foot counts – but imagine the premium on space of actual outer space habitats. Combining his childhood love of houseboats and adult work on habitat modules for NASA and the International Space Station, one architect has applied all of his learning and yearning to a unique space-saving (and space-age) trailer right here on Earth.
 كرفانات  جديده Space-mobile-trailer-interior
After years figuring out how to make comfortable and compact living quarters in which astronauts were to eat, sleep, bathe and relax – their tiny floating home away from home – the eventual creator of the Cricket Trailer refocused his efforts on something more useful to everyday earthlings: a made-to-order, modular, miniature trailer home.
 كرفانات  جديده Space-modern-portable-camper
The most decked-out version available to buy includes a a kitchen, eating, sleeping and lounge spaces as well as a hand shower, toilet, flexible awning, heating furnace and air conditioning – all somehow stored within a 15′ by 6.5′ trailer box with an (optional) pop-up, tent-like top.
 كرفانات  جديده Space-age-trailer-plans
One size does not fit all – people can purchase a simple shell with wheel well storage compartments and a sloped floor for drainage, then build out the rest on their own if they wish.
 كرفانات  جديده Space-mini-mobile-kitchen
The next standard model up comes with a kitchen cabinet, hinged countertop, table, couch, refrigerator and stainless steel sink with hot running water, but lacks waste management as well as temperature control (making it good for camping, but perhaps not enough for long-term on-the-road lifestyles).
 كرفانات  جديده Space-trailer-park
Visually, it looks like a postmodern sculptural tribute to classic cross-country living trailers. The design borrows from archetypes of portable campers with which the public is familiar, but breaks from the norm and deforms as needed to accommodate additional space-saving strategies and, some might say, an overall more space-aged look.

اميرة الورد
عضو جديد
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عدد المساهمات : 57
نقاط : 77
السٌّمعَة : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/11/2010

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